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Proud People Perform

Lake Lefroy is a Stockholm-based Human Resources firm and for three decades, we’ve been trusted advisors to companies around the world seeking to build competitive advantage by focusing on innovation culture, exceptional leadership capabilities and Proud People that Perform. We take great pride in executing practical, efficient and business focused strategic Human Resources solutions that are tailored to each organization’s unique needs

Our team has significant operational experience in leading successful HR-organizations globally in complex environments. We are experts in developing organizations, leaders and game changers by increasing the contributions of HR to the business by building the capabilities that reinforce engagement, firm brand identity and reputation.

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Lake Lefroy offers a wide range of services within the Strategic HR-field.
Our team has significant operational experience in leading successful HR-organizations globally in complex environments. We are experts in developing organizations, leaders and game changers by increasing the contributions of HR to the business by building the capabilities that reinforce engagement, firm brand identity and reputation. Contact us and we can tell you more how we can make your organization Proud and Performing.



When you are proud of your company, your products, your leaders and colleagues you are more likely to walk the extra mile to reach your objectives. We help organizations to make their colleagues Proud with focus on Performance. Because you will not win if you only have Proud people in the organization, but you will win if you have Proud and Performing people.
We have seen the effect on building Pride in many organizations and it is always a win win solution. A proud workforce can do magic with your products and they will also attract the most talented people to your organization. A proud and Performing colleagues will be your best ambassador and employer brand 24/7. And it is almost for free.

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Company culture is an integral part of business. It affects nearly every aspect of a company. From recruiting top talent, how you do your business, how you treat your customers it’s the backbone of to improving employee satisfaction. Having great company culture is no longer just an option, with a winning corporate culture you build Proud Performing People and it will have positive consequences for your bottom line.

When we support you in creating your unique culture, we use the concept Cold Brain, Warm Heart and Clean Hands:

Cold Brain – It is about you execute on your strategy.  How you do business, how you compete on the marketplace, how you build your pipeline, how you market your products how you reward performance.

Warm Heart – Is about your values, how you live your values. How you act towards employees and customers, how you lead and communicate.

Clean Hands – This is about Ethical and Moral behaviors as well as Sustainability. Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The concept of sustainability is composed of three pillars: economic, environmental, and social—also known informally as profits, planet, and people



Innovation: To be successful in today’s’ competitive environment you need a Culture of Innovation. This means that innovation happens everywhere, every day by everybody. We help your organization to create the right environment for innovation.

Innovation Bootcamp: Is a 2-3 days off-site training where we train your Innovation ambassadors who are employees who specifically promote innovations in your company and steer the corporate culture in the right direction. They are familiar with the company's innovation strategy, pass on their knowledge to other employees, network and support them. We do this in an innovative environment and our facilitators are all Certified Innovation coaches.



Organizational effectiveness is the concept of how effective an organization is in achieving the outcomes the organization intends to produce. There are two places an organization can be at, either Growth or Aging. We think we all agree that a growth mindset with focus on the business, the customer and on business development is a much better place to be at to win on the marketplace. We look at several aspects on an effective organization as:

  • Is your organization in Growth or Aging.

  • How you are organized

  • Your leadership effectiveness to get things done

  • How you communicate

  • How you prioritize

  • Your employee engagement

  • Team effectiveness



We work with senior executives, managers and leaders as a confidential sounding board, development coach and trusted advisors. Working in a leadership role of any sort is tough. Whether it’s employees, board members or your family and friends, there just always seems to be someone who wants a piece of your time. We know this because we have worked as leaders our self during our careers in a variety of challenging senior roles in small and large businesses. One of the main challenges many executives and leaders face is not feeling like they can discuss their problems and challenges with anyone within their organization and this is where executive coaching comes in.

Executive coaching is a confidential one-to-one meeting between a person in a senior position (you) and a professional coach (us). In this meeting, we discuss the challenges and goals that you want to work on.

Some of the most common topics we work on with other executives and leaders include but are not limited to:

  • You as a leader

  • You as part of a team

  • Dealing with difficult employees

  • Time management issues

  • Improving people/leadership skills

  • Coping with the stress of running a business

  • Managing board members and planning for meetings

  • Strategy feedback and planning

  • Better decision making

  • Personal goal setting

  • Finding a workable work/life balance

It’s also quite common that we work with our clients on other personal topics too such as stress, depression, anxiety and relationship issues.



A management audit is an assessment of how well an organization's management team is applying its strategies and resources. A management audit evaluates whether the management team is working in the interests of shareholders, employees, and the company's reputation.
Together with you we customize the way we audit. Normally we use a number of assessment tools as Targeted selection Interviews, 360 degrees feedback and Assessment centers.



If you think of a typical Change situation as a M&A process. The consideration of a merger or acquisition usually comes packed with mixed feelings, including excitement, fear, uncertainty, enthusiasm and resistance. These emotional reactions can occur at every level of the organization. How an organization deals with its employees before, during and after the transaction can have a determinative impact on the success of the transaction. This is called Change Management.

To successfully manage a change, you have to actively work with areas as communication, engagement, leadership and cultures.  All are areas where HR pay a critical role in any organization.  Areas where HR should serve as a trusted adviser to executives and the deal team and areas where HR should be subject-matter experts in.

A recent survey of Forbes 500 chief financial officers showed the top three reasons for M&A failure are incompatible cultures, inability to manage the target and inability to implement change. Such findings reinforce that the four areas above communication, engagement, leadership and culture isn’t just a people issue. Without the appropriate buy-in from employees, the financial objectives of a deal can be derailed and result in the ultimate failure of the whole thing.

Our team has been leading, project leads or supported more than 46 different M&A, divestitures or major transformations. We have been involved in due-diligence, planning and integration.



Companies are only as strong as their people, which is why getting talent management right is critical for today’s competitive environment. From locating and recruiting to hiring and developing talent, companies need to ensure their talent management strategies support their overall strategic planning and business goals. Talent management strategies should result in a high-performing workforce, a system that identifies and improves weak areas, and a means for attracting, developing, and retaining quality, diversified talent.

We talk about Game Changers, those selected few that will be able to bring your business to the next level, those who are your competitive advantage.

Zoom-in is our program to identify your game changers, how to attract, retain and develop them as well as plan for succession of your critical positions.

Our development program Zoom-in focus on your Game Changers and is a project-based program. We can run it with only participants from your organization or Game Changers from several non-competing organizations.

  • You will accelerate the development of your key talent to ensure you have the pipeline to fill critical positions (succession plan)

  • By implementing the ZOOM-in program, you will provide a way to develop and assess participants for future leadership roles

  • Recognize key and emerging talent within your organization by providing accelerated development opportunities, recognition, and visibility to the Leadership

  • Broaden business perspectives and provide opportunities to apply learning to leadership and real business challenges

  • Gain self-awareness, including insight toward strengths and opportunities

  • Create opportunities for networking and exchange of ideas and perspectives

  • Provide exposure to senior leadership

Use assessments, coaching and program learning to create individual development plan



HR Interim

We can support you as Interim HR-leaders in small and large organizations. Our consultants have a significant experience from the HR-field and will start producing directly.

Full HR-support

Many organizations do not have the size and or the budget to run their own HR-function. Try to outsource HR to us. You pay for what you want and especially for the time you need.

Coaching of HR

We coach and mentor many HR-talents. We have a lot of experience of all different situations a HR-professional experience. Could be a strategic project as M&A, divestiture, down-sizing et c. or day to day challenges as coaching of leaders, the difficult talk, union relations. We been through it all and are happy to chare our experience or be a sounding board.



Our Network is wide, and our knowledge of recruitment is significant. We will asses your needs and your culture to find you the best talent and cultural fit.
We support you with search, interviews, coordination as well as tests or assesment center if needed.

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